
Monday, January 27, 2014

Whole Wheat Pita Sandwich

I like home-made food whenever and where-ever possible.So why wouldn't I  when I travel ?
This bread was a long pending recipe in my to-do list, just because it is easy to store and carry and also quick and simple to build your own sandwich while you travel , with little planning ahead.













  Whole Wheat Pita Bread




Whole wheat flour                    - 3 cups (for 10 -12 breads)
Warm water                             -  1 1/4 cup + 1/4 cup for reserve
Salt                                          - to taste
Olive oil                                   - 2 tbsp
Sugar                                       - 1 /2 tsp
Active dry yeast                       - 1 1/2 tsp


In a small cup of 1/4 cup warm water, add sugar and yeast and rest it for 10 minutes to proof.
In a wide bowl mix wheat flour,salt and a 1 tbsp oil first and then add  a cup of warm water slowly and then add yeast mixture and knead the dough.The amount of water for the dough depends on wheat flour.If your dough feels dry, add little at a time from your reserve and make a soft pliable dough. Drizzle little oil on top and cover it with a damp cloth and rest it in a warm place for an hour.

After an hour or so , the dough would have raised in its volume.Gently knead it again and divide it into equal sized balls and rest it for 10 minutes with a damp cloth.Meanwhile heat a griddle if you prefer to cook your bread in stovetop or preheat your oven to 390 F if you want to bake it.


Dust your rolling board and pin and make a disk , slightly thicker than normal roti as it has to puf-up.
Cook both sides slightly and then directly on flame as you do for pulkas.


Dust your rolling board and pin and make a disk , slightly thicker than normal roti as it has to puff up.Grease your baking sheet and place the rolled disk and bake it for 3 minutes.

I found cooking on stove-top much was quicker so after my first batch of 3in oven , I cooked the rest on stove top.

Me and my son love tahini in our sandwich.So here comes the recipe for home-made tahini sauce.

Home-made Tahini Sauce


Sesame seeds                 - 1/4 cup
Oil                                  - 2 tsp ( I used Olive oil ,you use veg oil too)
lemon juice                      - 1 tsp
Garlic clove                     - 1
salt                                  - to taste


Dry roast sesame seeds on medium heat slowly until they start popping.Then collect all the ingredients in your blender and blend until you see a nice & creamy texture. This  stores well in refrigerator too. 

You can use this as a layer of spread  for any of your sandwiches and also in your wraps.Use as a dip for chips or a veg salad trays.



Lettuce leaves             - few
Purple cabbage leaves - few
Onion                         - 1 small
Tomato ( deseeded)    -1
salt                             - to taste
lemon juice                 - 1 tsp
OliveOil                             - 2 tsp
Crushed Pepper          - to taste          


Thinly slice the vegetables(or shred leafy vegetables). Mix oil, salt, lemon juice & pepper in a small box and shake vigorously.
Pour it over the vegetables and toss gently.

Assemble your sandwich

Cut a pita bread into halves. Now you will find a pocket. Fill it with salad and drizzle tahini on top.

Enjoy this sandwich for your breakfast / Brunch /Dinner.

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