
Monday, November 16, 2015

Holiday Spiced Apple cake

Where to start,I'm not sure. What to share I'm not clear. But I'm just going with the flow. It was one winter morning that we got connected to each other.Thanks to FB without which we wouldn't have met. We took our time to know each other. The first thing  that clicked for me is the straight forward approach. Slowly we started understanding each other. From that minute to until now , this is one such relationship I would cherish my life time. What relationship am I talking about ? Any clues....

Whether I'm bored , whether I'm confused , whether I'm super energetic, I have something to share . This one such bonding has given me so much . I have grown in leaps and bounds as a person and as a blogger. I have realized my pitfalls and started working on them. When hundreds are ready to pull you down when you are confused, this one will  be there to guide you, help  and constructively criticize . My day never ends without OUR little time. It is very common to help whenever you have a free time. But this one is a super busy bee, who works full time , but always plans things perfectly , which I feel is the ultimate strength.

Those where the days we send greetings with personalized messages, handmade ones , then came telephones to pass messages instantly. Now everything is through FB and Whatsapp. But this one made our Diwali a memorable one with her hand crafted tea and a personalized message leaving us emotional.

If you are still clueless , it's none another than Dolphia Nandi Arnstein from Storyofcooks. And after all. November is about Thanksgiving. I don't cook a ThanksGiving meal , that's when I decided to cook something and dedicate a post to someone who has been special to me.

Now coming to this apple cake, this is simple and straight flavors, mild sweet making it perfect coffee or tea time cake. I didn't wanted it to be rich , but you can add chopped nuts or dry fruits , if you prefer.

I have used white wheat flour , as I like to avoid all purpose flour/ maida. It's totally your choice. You can chose a combination of whole wheat flour and APF combination too.


White Wheat Flour ...................................... 2 cups
Dark Brownsugar .......................................1 cup
Butter ....................................................... 1 stick / 1/2 cup room temperature
Milk .........................................................1/4 cup
Egg........................................................... 2 large
vanilla Exgtract ........................................ 2 tsp
Salt ....................................................... a pinch
Baking Powder ...................................... 1 tsp
Baking Powder ...................................... 1 tsp
Ground Cinnamon ................................... 1.5 tsp
Nutmeg ................................................... 2 pinches, finely grated
Cardamom ...............................................1
Cloves ....................................................2
Apples ..................................................1 cup grated
Apples ................................................ thinly sliced for garnish


Grease a bundt pan with butter and set aside.
Preheat the oven to 350 F.
In a spice grinder , grind cloves, cardamom  with nutmeg and cinnamon.
In a medium bowl , sift together the flour, spices, salt , baking powder, baking soda.
In a large bowl, whisk together butter and eggs one at a time.
Add in the sugar and beat well along with milk. Finally throw in the grated apples and stir well.
Now mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in batches.
Try not to over do the mixture.
Transfer to the prepared pan and place it in the top rack.
Cook for about 25 minutes or until the tooth pick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Cool the cake and move it to the serving platter.
Arrange the thinly sliced apples and dust with a bit of spices to garnish.


  1. I love the second and the picture - where you're in background! LOVEEEE It. Thank you so much love for dedicating this post to me. I am in teers. Muah. Hugs and love.

  2. Aahaaa.. So touched by your post.. Wonderful pictures..

  3. Beautiful post Sujatha. And gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. -Sreelatha

  4. That's a beautiful post. The beautiful essence of friendship is described so well. Cheers to your friendship :)

  5. Thats a perfect thanks giving post sujatha...

  6. Such a beautiful cake, and Love Dolphi too she is such a wonderful person I too love the one with your hands

  7. Wow !! i am clueless at the beginning of the post..What a scrumptious cake and wonderful chat..


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